Prayer on St. Meinard's Day in Ikšķilė
August 24, 2021 at 5:53 pm
On August 14, St. Meinard's Day, a prayer service organized by the Russian Lutheran Epiphany Community and the St. Meinard Foundation was held at St. Meinard's Island in Ikskile near the historic chapel built by the Apostle of Latvia. It was attended by ministers from Latvia and the Netherlands. The pastor of the church, brother Pavel and his ministers served Matins. During a short speech he mentioned the activity of St. Maynard and his ministry in Latvia. He said:
"St. Maynard's Day is an important day not only for our congregation and for the St. Maynard Foundation. Our foundation is named after St. Maynard. It is important for us to keep in touch with the first church, the origins of Christianity in Latvia and Livonia. "He came to Livonia only for Christ, only to preach..." (Chronicle of Indricus of Livonia, p. 2) St. Meinard carried out his ministry without violence. This was not typical of the missionary practice of the peoples of the day, who first converted the king to Christianity and then imposed it on the people by state methods. St. Meinard received permission for the mission from the Polotsk prince and worked with the people. The command of Jesus Christ to go and teach, go and baptize all nations ... was for Bishop Maynard not just words, but a vital call to turn the people of our land to faith in the Triune God. Maynard's descendants came with fire and sword and conquered all the peoples who lived in those places. But Maynard showed us that we can do otherwise, not by force, but by love and faith. So we can conclude that there was great meaning in St. Maynard's actions."
Rain and bad weather did not prevent the prayer service, after which participants gathered in a sheltered area, where a conversation about the saint's legacy and his significance in our day took place.